Anna Kharchenko - author at ForexTrend

Hello! My name is Anna Kharchenko. This Forex blog was created for people who are interested in the possibilities of earning money on the Forex currency exchange, as well as the features of the training and work of a trader. For any questions of interest, please contact us by e-mail: [email protected] or phone: +1 805-680-0013
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Unholy Grails – A New Road to Wealth

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Review Unholy Grails – A New Road to Wealth by NICK RADGE Description As a seasoned investor who began his career in 1985, Nick Radge compiles techniques and 750 hours of work to create a book that differentiates the winning steps from the losing ones in investing. Radge’s general advice is not to follow the herd. Here, he focuses on …

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What Works on Wall Street

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Review What Works on Wall Street: The Classic Guide to the Best-Performing Investment Strategies of All Time by JAMES P. O’SHAUGHNESSY Description Author James P. O’Shaughnessy’s “What Works on Wall Street” shares a history of one of the biggest financial crises – resulting in near-negative returns and overall market sentiment dropping into the bearish zone. O’Shaughnessy’s book challenges the readers …

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Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip

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Review Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip by JIM ROGERS Description This is the story of Jim Rogers and his all-around-the-world trip with only his car. Dubbed as the “Indiana Jones of finance,” he takes a trip around the world to learn about the financial situations of many countries and places. Alongside his fiancée, Paige Parker, Jim traveled across 116 …

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Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game

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Review Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game  by MICHAEL LEWIS Description Michael Lewis’ Moneyball is a handbook that exposes the secret behind winning in baseball. This narrative presents a character named Billy Beane, the protagonist of the story, who faced a daunting challenge of winning in the Major Leagues with a limited budget.  Using a data-driven strategy, Beane …

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Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist

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Review Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist by ROGER LOWENSTEIN Description Author Roger Lowenstein’s bestselling “Buffett: The Making of an American Venture Capitalist,” tells the story of how Warren Buffett, with seemingly nothing employed strategies and invested in stocks to later end up with a net worth of over $10 billion. This amazing true story has always captivated the …