Bitwise operations in C Wikipedia

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A number of other groups are using other nonstandard headers – the GNU C Library has alloca.h, and OpenVMS has the va_count() function. All of these operators are also available in C++, and many C-family languages. This applies to bitwise operators as well, which means that even though they operate on only one bit at a time they cannot accept anything smaller than a byte as their input. Ç or ç (C-cedilla) is a Latin letter used in Albanian, Azerbaijani, Manx, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Kurdish, Kazakh, Catalan, French, Portuguese, and Occitan, as a variant of the letter C with a cedilla. It is also sometimes used in Crimean Tatar and in Tajik (when written in the Latin script) to represent the /d͡ʒ/ sound.

Anonymous functions

The type char occupies exactly one byte (the smallest addressable storage unit), which is typically 8 bits wide. (Although char can represent any of C’s “basic” characters, a wider type may be required for international character sets.) Most integer types have both signed and unsigned varieties, designated by the signed and unsigned keywords. Signed integer types may use a two’s complement, ones’ complement, or sign-and-magnitude representation. In many cases, there are multiple equivalent ways to designate the type; for example, signed short int and short are synonymous.


  1. In general, C is permissive in allowing manipulation of and conversion between pointer types, although compilers typically provide options for various levels of checking.
  2. National adoption of an update to the international standard typically occurs within a year of ISO publication.
  3. However, logical operators treat each operand as having only one value, either true or false, rather than treating each bit of an operand as an independent value.
  4. The “hello, world” example, which appeared in the first edition of K&R, has become the model for an introductory program in most programming textbooks.
  5. Function parameters are passed by value, although arrays are passed as pointers, i.e. the address of the first item in the array.

A character constant cannot be empty (i.e. ” is invalid syntax), although a string may be (it still has the null terminating character). Multi-character constants (e.g. ‘xy’) are valid, although rarely useful — they let one store several characters in an integer (e.g. 4 ASCII characters can fit in a 32-bit integer, 8 in a 64-bit one). Since the order in which the characters are packed into an int is not specified (left to the implementation to define), portable use of multi-character constants is difficult. Individual character constants are single-quoted, e.g. ‘A’, and have type int (in C++, char). The difference is that “A” represents a null-terminated array of two characters, ‘A’ and ‘\0’, whereas ‘A’ directly represents the character value (65 if ASCII is used). The same backslash-escapes are supported as for strings, except that (of course) ” can validly be used as a character without being escaped, whereas ‘ must now be escaped.

Data types

When declaring a function, a programmer can specify for one or more parameters a default value. Doing so allows the parameters with defaults to optionally be omitted when the function is called, in which case the default arguments will be used. When a function is called with fewer arguments than there are declared parameters, explicit arguments are matched to parameters in left-to-right order, with any unmatched parameters at the end of the parameter list being assigned their default arguments.

Standard library

The type qualifier const indicates that a value does not change once it has been initialized. Attempting to modify a const qualified value yields undefined behavior, so some C compilers store them in rodata or (for embedded systems) in read-only memory (ROM). Some compilers warn if an object with enumerated type is assigned a value that is not one of its constants.

There are also compilers, libraries, and operating system level mechanisms for performing actions that are not a standard part of C, such as bounds checking for arrays, detection of buffer overflow, serialization, dynamic memory tracking, and automatic garbage collection. Furthermore, in most expression contexts (a notable exception is as operand of sizeof), an expression of array type is automatically converted to a pointer to the array’s first element. This implies that an array is never copied as a whole when named as an argument to a function, but rather only the address of its first element is passed. Therefore, although function calls in C use pass-by-value semantics, arrays are in effect passed by reference. In the C programming language, operations can be performed on a bit level using bitwise operators.

The original C standard specified only minimal functions for operating with wide character strings; in 1995 the standard was modified to include much more extensive support, comparable to that for char strings. The relevant functions are mostly named after their char equivalents, with the addition of a “w” or the replacement of “str” with “wcs”; they are specified in , with containing wide-character classification and mapping functions. Such array variables are allocated based on the value of an integer value at runtime upon entry to a block, and are deallocated at the end of the block.[1] As of C11 this feature is no longer required to be implemented by the compiler. An incomplete type is a structure or union type whose members have not yet been specified, an array type whose dimension has not yet been specified, or the void type (the void type cannot be completed). Such a type may not be instantiated (its size is not known), nor may its members be accessed (they, too, are unknown); however, the derived pointer type may be used (but not dereferenced). The extern storage class specifier indicates that the storage for an object has been defined elsewhere.

The identifier must be a label (followed by a colon) located in the current function. In the if statement, if the in parentheses is nonzero (true), control passes to . If the else clause is present and the is zero (false), control will pass to . The else part is optional and, if absent, a false will simply result in skipping over the . An else always matches the nearest previous unmatched if; braces may be used to override this when necessary, or for clarity.

These functions are detailed in various standards such as POSIX and the Single UNIX Specification. C’s usual arithmetic conversions allow for efficient code to be generated, but can sometimes produce unexpected results. For example, a comparison of signed and unsigned integers of equal width requires a conversion of the signed value to unsigned. In early versions of C, only functions that return types other than int must be declared if used before the function definition; functions used without prior declaration were presumed to return type int. However, do note that a shift operand value which is either a negative number or is greater than or equal to the total number of bits in this value results in undefined behavior. For example, when shifting a 32 bit unsigned integer, a shift amount of 32 or higher would be undefined.

Programmers can declare parts or all of the representation of a type to be public, and they are allowed to make public entities not part of the representation of a type. Therefore, C++ supports not just object-oriented programming, but other decomposition paradigms such as modular programming. When return is followed by an expression, the value is returned to the caller as the value of the function. Encountering the end of the function is equivalent to a return with no expression.

The opening curly brace indicates the beginning of the definition of the main function. ANSI, like other national standards bodies, no longer develops the C standard independently, but defers to the international C standard, maintained by the working group ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14. National adoption of an update to the international standard typically occurs within a year of ISO publication. The int type specifiers which are commented out could be omitted in K&R C, but are required in later standards.

The idea of providing an output operator rather than a named output function was suggested by Doug McIlroy[2] (who had previously suggested Unix pipes). C identifiers are case sensitive (e.g., foo, FOO, and Foo are the names of different objects). Some linkers may map external identifiers to a single case, although this is uncommon in most modern linkers. Implementations may reserve other keywords, such as asm, although implementations typically provide non-standard keywords that begin with one or two underscores. The main function will usually call other functions to help it perform its job. Future statements can then use the specifier s_type (instead of the expanded struct … specifier) to refer to the structure.

C enables programmers to create efficient implementations of algorithms and data structures, because the layer of abstraction from hardware is thin, and its overhead is low, an important criterion for computationally intensive programs. For example, the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library, the GNU Scientific Library, Mathematica, and MATLAB are completely or partially written in C. Many languages support calling library functions in C, for example, the Python-based framework NumPy uses C for the high-performance and hardware-interacting aspects. Unless otherwise specified, static objects contain zero or null pointer values upon program startup. If the program attempts to access an uninitialized value, the results are undefined. Many modern compilers try to detect and warn about this problem, but both false positives and false negatives can occur.

In static initialization, all objects are first initialized with zeros; after that, all objects that have a constant initialization phase are initialized with the constant expression (i.e. variables initialized with a literal or constexpr). Though it is not specified in the standard, the static initialization phase can be completed at compile time and saved in the data partition of the executable. Dynamic initialization involves all object initialization done via a constructor or function call (unless the function is marked with constexpr, in C++11). The dynamic initialization order is defined as the order of declaration within the compilation unit (i.e. the same file). No guarantees are provided about the order of initialization between compilation units. The most common C library is the C standard library, which is specified by the ISO and ANSI C standards and comes with every C implementation (implementations which target limited environments such as embedded systems may provide only a subset of the standard library).

The member functions of such an abstract base class are normally explicitly defined in the derived class, not inherited implicitly. C++ virtual inheritance exhibits an ambiguity resolution feature called dominance. The type system in C is static and weakly typed, which makes it similar to the type system of ALGOL descendants such as Pascal.[38] There are built-in types for integers of various sizes, both signed and unsigned, floating-point numbers, and enumerated types (enum).

C89 is supported by current C compilers, and most modern C code is based on it. Any program written only in Standard C and without any hardware-dependent assumptions will run correctly on any platform with a conforming C implementation, within its resource limits. In C, all executable code is contained within subroutines (also called “functions”, though not in the sense of functional programming). Function parameters are passed by value, although arrays are passed as pointers, i.e. the address of the first item in the array. Pass-by-reference is simulated in C by explicitly passing pointers to the thing being referenced. Variable pointers and references to a base class type in C++ can also refer to objects of any derived classes of that type.

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