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The information contained herein is not represented or warranted to be accurate, correct, complete, or timely. Morningstar, Inc., shall not be responsible for investment decisions, damages, or other losses resulting from use of the information. Morningstar, Inc., has not granted consent for it to be considered or deemed an “expert” under the Securities Act of 1933. Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. and Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. are separate but affiliated companies and subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation.

Fund Performance

Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. (CSIM) is the investment advisor for Schwab Funds. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (Schwab), Member SIPC, is the distributor for Schwab Funds. CSIM and Schwab are separate but affiliated companies and subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation. Interval funds are not available for purchase by individual investors.

Fund Performance

Social (“S”) factors can include how an issuer manages its relationships with individuals, such as its employees, shareholders, and customers as well as its community. Governance (“G”) factors can include how an issuer operates, such as its leadership composition, pay and incentive structures, internal controls, and the rights of equity and debt holders. Carefully review an investment product’s prospectus or disclosure brochure to learn more about how it incorporates ESG factors into its investment strategy. Interval funds are closed-end funds that offer daily purchases and redeem shares by periodically offering to repurchase a certain portion of shares from shareholders (“tenders” or “redemptions”). Inverse mutual funds typically use derivatives to attempt to move in the opposite direction of the underlying index by a certain multiple each day or month. They generally have either a negative number like –1x or –2x or a term like “short” or “inverse” in their names.

Fund Performance

It generally will seek to replicate the performance of the index by giving the same weight to a given stock as the index does. The index includes the stocks of 500 leading U.S. publicly traded companies from a broad range of industries. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., member of SIPC, receives remuneration from fund companies for record keeping, shareholder services, and other administrative services for shares purchased through its Mutual Fund OneSource service. Schwab also may receive remuneration from transaction fee fund companies for certain administrative services. Except as noted below, all data provided by Morningstar, Inc. The information contained herein is the proprietary information of Morningstar, Inc., and may not be copied or redistributed for any purpose and may only be used for noncommercial, personal purposes.

  1. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., member of SIPC, receives remuneration from fund companies for record keeping, shareholder services, and other administrative services for shares purchased through its Mutual Fund OneSource service.
  2. If an expense waiver was in place during the period, the net expense ratio was used to calculate fund performance.
  3. The index includes the stocks of 500 leading U.S. publicly traded companies from a broad range of industries.
  4. As a result, it may be difficult to compare ESG investment products.

The ratings reflect historical risk-adjusted performance, and the overall rating is derived from a weighted average of the fund’s 3-, 5- and 10-year (Morningstar Rating) metrics. View our mutual fund quotes and sample our research offering. Investment value will fluctuate, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original cost. If an expense waiver was in place during the period, the net expense ratio was used to calculate fund performance. Individual holdings are shown for informational purposes only and are not considered an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy a specific security.

Fund Performance

A product that employs ESG strategies may choose to focus on one or more ESG factors, though an ESG product may also include securities that don’t fit any ESG category. The information displayed utilizes the Morningstar “Sustainable Investment – Overall” datapoint. Trades in no-load mutual funds available through Mutual Funds OneSource service (including SchwabFunds) as well as certain other funds, are available without transaction fees.

As a result, it may be difficult to compare ESG investment products. Further, some issuers may present their investment products as employing an ESG strategy, but may overstate or inconsistently apply ESG factors. An investment product’s ESG strategy may significantly influence its performance. Because securities may be included or excluded based on ESG factors rather than other investment methodologies, the product’s performance may differ (either higher or lower) from the overall market or comparable products that do not have ESG strategies. Environmental (“E”) factors can include climate change, pollution, waste, and how an issuer protects and/or conserves natural resources.

For each of these trade orders placed through a broker, a $25 service charge applies. Schwab reserves the right to change the funds we make available without transaction fees and to reinstate fees on any funds. Schwab’s short-term redemption fee of $49.95 will be charged on redemption of funds purchased through Schwab’s Mutual Fund OneSource® service (and certain other funds with no transaction fee) and held for 90 days or less.

Schwab reserves the right to exempt certain funds from this fee, including Schwab Funds®, which may charge a separate redemption fee, and funds that accommodate short-term trading. The investment seeks to track the total return of the S&P 500® Index. The fund generally invests at least 80% of its net assets (including, for this purpose, any borrowings for investment purposes) in these stocks; typically, the actual percentage is considerably higher.

They have the propensity to be more volatile and are inherently riskier than their non-inverse counterparts. It is important to remember that these funds are designed for short-term use only, and are not intended to be buy-and-hold positions, because their returns over longer periods generally do not match the mutual fund’s negative multiple of the underlying index over longer periods. Leveraged Mutual Funds typically use derivatives to attempt to multiply the returns of the underlying index each day or month. They have the propensity to be more volatile and are inherently riskier than their non-leveraged counterparts. Schwab uses ESG to broadly encompass ESG investing , but also investing approaches described as “values-based investing,” “impact investing,” “sustainable investing,” and other approaches. An ESG product may apply ESG factors to its investment or governance processes in many different ways.

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