Review A Concise Guide to Macroeconomics: What Managers, Executives, and Students Need to Know by DAVID A. MOSS Description This fully revised and updated edition to the original published book comes with additional information about macroeconomics, courtesy of Moss’s experience as an instructor at the Harvard Business School. He explains the core ideas of money and output in a clear, …
Animal Spirits
Review Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism by GEORGE AKERLOF and ROBERT SHILLER Description In an attempt to challenge the existing economic wisdom that led to major financial fiascos, George Akerlof and Robert Shiller collaborate to write a powerful reading that will transform our minds toward economics. This book also promises …
Time Series Analysis
Review Time Series Analysis by JAMES D. HAMILTON Description With the coming of a new modern era in finances and economy comes an equally overwhelmingly new array of analysis in the aspects of time series, which can be a confusing time for graduate students as they seek out where to start. James D. Hamilton’s “Time Series Analysis” narrows down the …
Keys To Heaven’s Economy
Review Keys To Heaven’s Economy by SHAWN BOLZ Description This is a controversial book. It had split the opinion of the Christian community and had the secular community throwing their hands in the air. And why is that? Well, Author and Minister Shawn Bolz had claimed that he had been visited by an Angel called the Minister of Finance. True …
Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard
Review Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard: How to Achieve Super Performance in Stocks in Any Market by MARK MINERVINI Description Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard is an expository narrative about how Mark Minervini managed to land triple-digit returns for five years, using only his own trading system. The guaranteed and viable system formulated by Minervini swiped in a …
Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom
DESCRIPTION The second edition of Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom was written to facilitate financial solutions while providing answers to queries that inhibit the financial market landscape. Presented in this new update is the author’s 17- step trading model, a research-based framework that guarantees financial success. More so, this book goes deeper to addressing topics such as reward to …