Review The Commitments of Traders Bible: How To Profit from Insider Market Intelligence by STEPHEN BRIESE Description Author Stephen Briese’s “The Commitments of Traders Bible: How To Profit from Insider Market Intelligence” solidifies the importance of a Commitments of Traders (CoT) whether a trader is doing well in the market or not. According to “The Commitments of Traders Bible,” he …
Laughing at Wall Street
Review Laughing at Wall Street: How I Beat the Pros at Investing by CHRIS CAMILLO Description Skills outweigh experience, and this claim was heavily ratified by how much Chris Camilo made out of Wall Street. His fortune rings one indication: that one does not need prior knowledge to ace investing, just adequate investment skills, and the ability to identify viable …
Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders
Review Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders by WARREN BUFFETT Description This book is a compilation of all of Warren Buffett’s letters to his shareholders spanning from 1965 to 2018. It includes letters from the years 1965 to 1976 that are not available on the company’s website. Buffett discusses the trading methods he used as among the most successful investors of …
The Misbehavior of Markets
Review The Misbehavior of Markets: A Fractal View of Financial Turbulence by BENOIT MANDELBROT, RICHARD L. HUDSON Description Benoit Mandelbrot uses years of expertise in mathematics to imagine what the market would look like in a fractal pattern. Mandelbrot, the creator himself of fractal geometry, uses knowledge on natural patterns in closely watching patterns in the movement of the market. …
The Signal and the Noise
Review The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail-but Some Don’t by NATE SILVER Description Nate Silver delves into the world of predictive models and explains why some work and some don’t. He inquires into the effectivity of predictions and how to identify signals from noise. He delves into a discussion about how the general public view probability …
The Kelly Capital Growth Investment Criterion
Review The Kelly Capital Growth Investment Criterion: Theory and Practice by LEONARD C. MACLEAN, EDWARD O. THORP, WILLIAM T. ZIEMBA Description This book contains the definitive treatment of fortune’s formula, also known as the Kelly capital growth criterion. This strategy aims to amplify long-run wealth by maximizing period by the period expected utility with a logarithmic utility function. Generally, the …