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Simple Money: A No-Nonsense Guide to Personal Finance (1st Edition) by Tim Maurer

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Description In author Tim Maurer’s “Simple Money,” he expounds upon a practice that usually involves practicing finance advice and techniques solely in theory and never in a practical appliance. Therefore, he hopes that with his 1st edition of “Simple Money,” concepts of personal finance management would break down the most complex of theories into mini, convenient, and doable practical exercises. …

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Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice Theory by KERRY E. BACK

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About the Book The 2nd Edition of Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice Theory intelligently collected and presented concepts, overviews, and applications of asset pricing. This highly complex and rather technical book was written to provide asset pricing theory and courses for Ph.D., Masters, and other advanced practitioners in the field. Much, lessons about quantitative finance are laid out for the …

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Faithful Finance: 10 Secrets to Move from Fearful Insecurity to Confident Control by EMILY G. STROUD, BOB GOFF

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About the book It is a well-known fact that finances are one of the great causes of stress, and from individuals to couples to retirees struggle with it. Emily G. Stroud discusses how someone can manage finances in this book.  This text discusses how to develop a savings plan according to the reader’s goals, create a budget that works, reduce …

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Essentials of Healthcare Finance by WILLIAM O. CLEVERLEY and JAMES O. CLEVERLEY

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Description The Cleverly Brothers’ “Essentials of Healthcare Finance” provides an authoritative guide on how to manage finance – specifically in the field of the healthcare industry. The eighth edition of this book still holds relevant to this day and covers a wide range of subjects, including a brief introduction on ICD-10 coding and the effects of the ACA. “Essentials of …

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If You Can: How Millennials Can Get Rich Slowly by WILLIAM BERNSTEIN

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Description If you can was written by Bernstein with a certain audience in mind: the millennials. In this book, Bernstein emphasizes the value of investing during your prime years. He goes to tell some practical advice on how to invest your money and enjoy your retirement. The book also suggests reading more reference books to deepen their understanding of investing.  …