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A Random Walk Down Wall Street

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DESCRIPTION True enough, investment and financial wisdom are dynamic. More so, subjective that it takes different shapes on an almost regular basis. With that, Burton G, Malkiel’s reassuring and highly intuitive edition, was written with a primary aim of concretizing investment knowledge.  As there is an imbalance of power and that high-profiled traders and hedge-financed managers capitalize their position to …

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The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor

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DESCRIPTION Howard Marks, the chairperson and associate founder of Oaktree Capital, became popular in the financial world for his in-depth evaluation and insight-laden reviews of market opportunities and risks. With experience in investment management, Marks came to be one of the most influential and heavily followed people in the world of Finance, mainly from his insightful commentaries and time-enduring financial …

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Money Honey: A Simple 7-Step Guide For Getting Your Financial $hit Together by Rachel Richards

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Description Money Honey is a practical self-help book written by Rachel Richards to reach out to adults who are having difficulties in money management and showing them the way to financial freedom. Practical insights about managing finances inculcated in this book are too striking to be ignored. Primarily, readers are taught to doubling income and limiting expenses, consolidating loans and …

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Security Analysis: Sixth Edition, Foreword by Warren Buffett (Security Analysis Prior Editions) BY BENJAMIN GRAHAM, DAVID DODD

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About the book Initially published in 1934, this book is considered to be among the most important financial books written. This book has spanned generations of practitioners and a general audience willing to learn about the timeless philosophy and techniques on value investing by both Graham and Dodd.  The contents of the book remain significantly relevant in the modern state …

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Capital Markets and investments: Essential Insights and Concepts for Professionals

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DESCRIPTION Capital Markets and Investments supersedes other financial concepts guidebooks through in-depth presentation and discussion of the overall market mechanics. This book does not ask for pre-requisite knowledge, and it appeals to wide strata, including students, journalists, and financial professThrough this guide, readers will be introduced to the fundamentals of financial institutions and necessary instruments, all while posing new concepts …

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Mergers and Acquisitions for Dummies

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DESCRIPTION Mergers and Acquisitions for Dummies is a helpful guide in developing a skill necessary for the mergers and acquisitions industry. Through various discussions about the underlying principles and practices, professionals, business owners, and students are given an effective guide on how to appropriately formulate and land a favorable deal and secure an M&A negotiation. Its straightforward narrative that exposes …